Make sure you have installed the correct libraries before you perform the following steps. To get things up and running as soon as possible, try out each of the tests in spasm-base and spasm-filters.
Build spasm-base tests.
configure cmake (using the "graphical" frontend ccmake) so that it compiles the tests
compile the tests
run the tests
# cd spasm-base-.x.x.x
# ccmake .
press "enter" to change the BUILD_TESTS flag so that it is ON
press "c" to configure
press "g" to generate the makefiles
# make
# cd tests
# ./parzentest
In Matlab type
>> cd spasm-base-x.x.x/tests/matlab_testgen
>> generate_gaussian_ops('gauss.txt');
At a shell prompt type
# cp gauss.txt ../
# ./autogausstest
Build spasm-filters tests.
configure cmake (using the "graphical" frontend ccmake) so that it compiles the tests
compile the tests
run the tests
# cd spasm-filters-.x.x.x
# ccmake .
press "enter" to change the BUILD_TESTS flag so that it is ON
press "c" to configure
press "g" to generate the makefiles
# make
# cd tests
# ./processtest